So Since I said Ill take requests. I need to set another rule
- You need to be descriptive about what weapon you want, I cant go on with
Oh Make it look like a M14 or G36
Those requests aren't allowed to be requested. I need ones like
Okay, I'd like a Weapon with a M14 Reciever, a G36 stock a M16 Handle with a M14 magazine and a combat handle.
Understood? Good, also I can't do Camoflages, those are bitmaps which are useless 'cause when you delete the bitmap from the library, the painted all turn red. So no camo's allowed either. Optic sights are also allowed but no Acog's Scopes or really hard ones. I can do Redots and Holo's thats all.
Smg's are also a thing I can do. So awegan, ill take your request after I finish Nicks and Joes weapons. Alright?
Oh typing too much...anyways, Happy Valantines guys, hope y'all have a good one c; I wont be here on that day, goin to a beach party so expect a post....on sunday :P I'll be pissed out of my skull on friday through to saturday. Anyways, bye :3 I leave you with this vv
Hehe, awesomesauce guns :D