A total pain in the ass, im ment to be making Collab parts for Tanasastefan's Collab, stillin progress with the first part, but i have that feeling, im good when animating one fella, but animating more is just......a pain in tha ass. But I'll try get them done before the deadline, I took too long at Endik's one (That also need to be updated to all completed bro) any ways, been messing around on Parachat, and my phone.
Its not much, I know (still have the epic Theme colour for it, beat that fellas C:<)
Haha, anyways. Bye X3
hehe.. good luck bro :D ! i think that will be nice...
P.S what flash do you use D:?
Flash 8.
But it changed colour since i customized mydesktop