Huh wuh? Oh didnt realise this was on....meh, guess I'll get it over with...
Ya well, hey again. Tis me Arch, wassap. Im back with another pointless post of nothing ness.
Lets recap shall we?.....Yeah I done nothing guise...I really just didnt do anything. Besides, set-up new computer (Pic below)
And yes, the subwoofers on my table beside me. Well Fuck you, I got like 6 comments on Imgur saying (Subwoofer + Skyrim = Table about to collaspe)
But ye, thats my tiny but moderatly useful setup. But its gonna be changed soon. since what its sitting on is actually a disasembled clothes drawer, lol.
Now what else....nothing, no madness shit or anything...well, cya! -flips you all off- Bye have great tim
(In the words of the Illiterate fucks): P.S Bad English??? <= Whoever says that, I recommend killing yourself, K?